Inactive website

A practice web site, begun from scratch on 2 November 2021

4 November 2021 -- day 3

Continuing: Section 6: Version Control with Git & Github

Aims for today:

3 November 2021 -- day 2

Continue as last night:

100 Days of Code

Section 5: Serving a Website (Hosting and Deployment

Section 6: Version Control with Git & Github


2 November 2021 -- Beginning

I'm making this website in order to learn how to make websites.

The guide I'm following is 100 Days Of Code: The Complete Web Development Bootcamp 2022, one of many, many web dev courses available on Udemy.

Aims for the site:

To being with, today, I'm using bare HTML with heading, para and list tags.

Let's try some bare CSS to improve(?) layout and appearance.

  1. Center the page title & subtitle.
    • header { text-align: center; }
  2. Get a Google Font or two to improve typography. Trying Roboto Regular 400 & Bold 700.
    • body { font-family: "Roboto", sans-serif; }
  3. Add margins to left and right of main text.
    • main { padding: 0 9%; }
  4. Some vertical spacing to separate thematic blocks of text:
    • header { padding-bottom: 18px; }
    • section { margin-bottom: 36px; }
    • li { padding: 3px 0 3px 0; }

Note: I'm using both px and % for spacing: I don't know which units are the best in which circs.


How to publish this site to the web?