4 November 2021 -- day 3
Continuing: Section 6: Version Control with Git & Github
Aims for today:
- Complete the Git section of the course
- Start to create some design for this page
3 November 2021 -- day 2
Continue as last night:
- Try the URL. 'Not found' - error message shown in a format I've not seen before. Web search produces nothing useful. And wait. And check settings. Try the URL. 'Not found.' And puzzle if I've done something wrong, or omitted a step... Try the URL. 'Not found.' Search web again: nothing useful. And wait. And re-read the documentation. Try the URL. 'Not found.'
- Result! Took getting on for 18 hours to all line up. Now taking 3-4 minutes to auto-update the site after local edits are synced with the repo on Github.
100 Days of Code
Section 5: Serving a Website (Hosting and Deployment
- Netlify Drop is demonstrated - an instant website.
- Adding a Favicon
- Use a favicon generator site
- Spend 20 minutes getting the second version of the icon to actually display - in the end editing the auto-generated manifest file to change the colours to my current choice.
- Eight files in the download zip provided by favicon generator. Following course instructions, keep only the .ico file and link to it in html head section.
Section 6: Version Control with Git & Github
- Added an image in the head section; don't yet know how to resize or position it.
2 November 2021 -- Beginning
I'm making this website in order to learn how to make websites.
The guide I'm following is 100 Days Of Code: The Complete Web Development Bootcamp 2022, one of many, many web dev courses available on Udemy.
Aims for the site:
- Record progress day by day, including what I've done, where I've got stuck, any unresolved questions
- Plan what to do next
- Learn CSS for layout
- Learn how to publish websites, what are the options, try them out
- Learn JS of courses
To being with, today, I'm using bare HTML with heading, para and list tags.
Let's try some bare CSS to improve(?) layout and appearance.
Center the page title & subtitle.
- header { text-align: center; }
Get a Google Font or two to improve typography. Trying Roboto
Regular 400 & Bold 700.
- body { font-family: "Roboto", sans-serif; }
Add margins to left and right of main text.
- main { padding: 0 9%; }
Some vertical spacing to separate thematic blocks of text:
- header { padding-bottom: 18px; }
- section { margin-bottom: 36px; }
- li { padding: 3px 0 3px 0; }
Note: I'm using both px and % for spacing: I don't know which units are the best in which circs.
How to publish this site to the web?
Connect this content to my Github account: how to use VSCode + git?
- git config --list to get current config info
- "git init, add, commit" - Github did not sync this line when it showed raw git commands
- See VSCode Superhero Section 8 Source Control for quick reference.
- Create a Cloudflare Pages account & link to Github repo
- Cloudflare pages site
- Connect peterblackledge.com to Cloudflare - following Cloudflare workflow, need to change nameservers at Domain Registrar NameSilo.
- Wait for nameservers to update. Try the URL. 'Not found' - error message shown in a format I've not seen before. And wait. And check settings. Try the URL. 'Not found.' And puzzle if I've done something wrong, or omitted a step... Try the URL. 'Not found.' And wait. And re-read the documentation. Try the URL. 'Not found.'
- Quit for the day.